Auto & Transportation
MMP&S is involved in all aspects of the auto and transportation industry, representing some of the nation’s largest and most prominent public and private transportation providers, railroads, bus lines, national/regional long haul truckload carriers, taxi and limousine companies both directly and through their insurers. We have significant experience with a broad array of unique issues confronted by the transportation industry whether in the context of first-party claims, third-party liability, subrogation issues and the interplay of vehicle operation and ownership responsibility legislation. We regularly defend third-party liability claims, uninsured/underinsured motorists claims, SIU/fraud claims as well as No-Fault/PIP claims.
MMP&S’s auto and transportation team members include former law enforcement personnel, roadway incident investigators and criminal prosecutors. Our team composition enables us to work closely and efficiently with Special Investigative Units, Department of Motor Vehicles and all other agencies having jurisdiction in matters of import to our transportation industry clients. Moreover, we are committed to working with our clients toward reducing the rate and severity of accidents and injuries and effectively minimizing exposure in the event that an accident does occur. We are mindful that our clients regard health and safety issues as significant performance indicators in all endeavors. Our approach to investigation, claim and litigation management complements and enhances the approach of our clients: controlled, detailed and expertly managed. In the event of a claim, we ensure that all activities are continually monitored at all levels to ensure maximum efficiency and minimization of claim cost and exposure.
Our auto and transportation team members have invaluable experience with roadway accidents and liability issues and have established and lead incident response teams in the investigation of all manner of collisions and jobsite accidents 24 hours a day. Along with accident investigators and reconstruction experts, our team is available to be present at the scene along with the first responders and, thereby, is able to conduct an immediate and comprehensive investigation and preserve evidence before the scene has been disturbed and while the witnesses are still present. As a result of such intensive and immediate response, many claims are neutralized at the point of origin, before a call to a plaintiff’s attorney has even been initiated.