Municipal Liability
The municipal liability practice at MMP&S includes representation of various governmental entities as well as their officers and employees in general liability, premises liability, Section 1983 claims and state and local Tort Claims Acts matters.
We regularly defend municipalities in actions involving:
- Personal injury claims involving trip/slip and falls on public sidewalks, roadways, park walkways and municipal parking fields
- Premises liability cases ranging from accidents on playground apparatus, swimming pools and beaches, ice skating rinks and golf courses
- Vehicular claims, including claims involving municipal vehicles and other equipment, as well as pedestrian accidents and defective roadway maintenance and design claims
- Complex property damage claims that stem from either an incident or accident or based on a claim that the municipality did not properly maintain its property or structure, such as a municipal owned catch basin or recharge basin or failure to maintain an easement
- Property damage claims involving the municipal building department’s alleged negligence in the issuance of building permits or Certificates of Occupancy
- Civil rights claims regarding building code violations or property condemnation
- Civil rights claims brought by municipal employees based on age, race and ethnic discrimination
- Police and prison guard brutality claims
In addition, MMP&S attorneys take the role as general counsel to Villages in New York State. We provide opinions and guide local municipalities through all aspects of running a local government. We are proficient in the opens meeting law, the role of elected officials in local government, Freedom of information law and all aspects of drafting resolutions and conducting public hearings.